What is Stashy?

We know that at first glance Stashy may seem to be a simple clothing brand that brings appreciation to facial hair/facial care. However our objective is much greater than that. Here at Stashy, apart from keeping our customers happy, our mission is to help revive masculinity in everyday society. You see there’s a lot more to being a man than rockin stash. Below we have a couple key characteristics of what we feel a man must possess.

Driven/Motivated- “I’ll do it tomorrow” is something that many of us have said, but how many times is that saying repeated? We live in a world today that is constantly overwhelming with distractions. As a man it is vital to be able to push through the barriers of comfort, and to stay consumed by the idea of growth. At the end of the day its a battle against the person you were yesterday, live hard and work hard day after day until hard becomes easy. Start today, start now because if not now, when?

Patient- As it takes a lot of time and patience to grow a nice stash, it also takes a lot of time and patience to not only be a man, but to become the man you strive to be. Whether that patience comes from working a tough job when everything seems to be going to wrong way, or maybe it comes from having a family with a couple kids that constantly push you to your limits. With patience comes value. Be patient with your relationships and with yourself and you will experience a higher value of life. Afterall Rome wasn’t built in a day and unfortunately neither are we.

Resilient- To be resilient means to bounce back; to return to original form after being bent or pressed. Everyone has heard the quote “Its not about how you get knocked down, its about how you get back up”. This quote can be applied to any aspect of your life in which you encounter struggle. Resiliency is an essential characteristic that allows you to overcome difficulty in your life rather than resort to negative coping mechanisms. Being a resilient man will construct you to a man who is aware. Aware of his situation, aware of his emotions, and aware of others. Be resilient and be aware, and use these skills to grow stronger and conquer hardship in your life.

Alberta owned and operated.